Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The One Year Bible Starts Tomorrow

Hey Guys just wanted to say real quick that we are quickly approaching day 1 of the OYB. I am looking forward to this. Feel free to share any thoughts and lets make this blog a great way to open up and talk about what the Lord is teaching and showing each one of us. Hope you all have a Happy New Year.

God bless,

Monday, December 22, 2008


As mentioned in the above post we will be starting January 1st. If you don't have a one year Bible I encourage you to obtain one. On the side of our blog we have links set up which will take you to the One Year Bible website where you can follow along there and we also have a link to the One Year Bible Schedule which will walk you through the scheduled readings for the year. This will hopefully get you all started. We are looking forward to this.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Get Excited The One Year Bible Starts January 1st!!!

We are excited to be starting the One Year Bible at Camp Ozark. We will be using this blog as a means to express what we are learning as we dive into the word. Our desire and goal is that you will feel comfortable commenting on your daily readings and express how the Lord is teaching and molding you as we head into summer.