Wednesday, May 27, 2009

week 20,21,22 ( May 19 - may 31

hey guys camp is officially here and we are crazy busy. We look forward to hearing how each one of you are doing. Please continue to update us on your life and all that is going on. have a great day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week 19 (May 11- May 18)

Counselors are starting to roll into Camp Ozark and things are starting to come together very quickly. We are getting excited to see all of you in the upcoming weeks. Lets continue to focus on our OYB and time in the word as we prepare for this summer. Have a great week everybody.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Its Camp Time week 18 ( may 4 - may 10)

We are all getting extremely excited to see all of you guys and girls. This week is officially the start of Camp Ozark! I want to encourage all of you to continue reading and growing with Christ. We are all probably at different spots in the OYB but do not let this hinder your reading. We want to encourage you to push forward and to continue seeking the Lord. I hope this week is a great one for all of you.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Week 17 (April 27 - May 3)

I hope you all have weathered the storms wherever you are. I know Houston has been having a lot of rain this past week. We moved up to Arkansas on Monday and are continually getting ready for this summer. Things are coming together at a fast rate and before you know it we will all be here experiencing amazing times of fellowship and community. I cannot wait to get to know all of you. I hope this week finds you all doing well.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

week 16 (April 20 - 26)

Its been a great week and I am excited to continue our trend of sharing with one another about what God is continually teaching and showing each one of us. Lets make it another great week!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Week 15 (April 13 - April 19)

Hey everybody I hope you all had a Happy Easter. I want to encourage each one of you to share this week in regards to what you are learning, reading, or experiencing in your daily life. It is such an encouragement to others to hear about what is taking place in each one of your lives. Have a great day

Monday, April 6, 2009

Week 13 - 14 (March 30 - April 12)

Hey guys we are already in april and fastly approaching the summer. We have been having very little posting on the blog so I want to encourage you to post whatever is on your heart / mind. It doesn't have to be from the OYB schedule. Just share with us what is going on in your life. We'd love to hear and be encouraged. Have a great day!