Monday, April 13, 2009

Week 15 (April 13 - April 19)

Hey everybody I hope you all had a Happy Easter. I want to encourage each one of you to share this week in regards to what you are learning, reading, or experiencing in your daily life. It is such an encouragement to others to hear about what is taking place in each one of your lives. Have a great day


  1. Something that God has been teaching me recently is to hve a mind controlled by the Spirit and to set your mind on what the Spirit wants, not what I want. I have been trying to apply that in all the little areas of my life: my roommates, my parents, my fiance, my non-Christian friends. We always kind of have our own little agenda in the back of our minds, and I'm trying to learn to push that away completely and be selfless. I want to learn to be a selfless servant - one who doesn't complain, but does the task joyfully and without hesitation, and I want to serve those around me just to show them God's love, not to be recognized. A lot of the things God has been teaching me is part of my pre-marital counseling, but what I'm realizing is that marriage is just another tool He uses to glorify Himself. Everything I am learning to do for my future husband, are things I should be doing for others as well, so it overflows into all areas of my life. It's been a real eye-opener. I'm enjoying it!! And it helps me prepare for camp too cause there is going to be a lot of serving!

    Hope you all are doing well this week!

    Krista G

  2. We enjoyed all of Easter from the powerful, uplifting church service as we celebrated our savior's victory over death and the resurrection to the Easter Egg hunt (in 3 parts) for all of the Torn kids and extended family...10 little ones in all over at Angela's house. They loved the "golden eggs and the confetti eggs, especially when they called "Pops" aka Sam out and cracked them on his head. He was a good sport.
    I have been working on the idea of being "merciful" as Christ is always so merciful to us. Why not give someone the "benefit of the doubt"? , Why not be quick to forgive and not hold a grudge? Why not be always looking for the good in the other? makes life a lot less stressful and a lot more joyful...We'll see you all real is coming!

  3. Okay, I have finally caught up and am back on pace. I was talking to Keith the other day about the wisdom God grants us when we study His Word. I think it is fairly subtle and it is not the kind of wisdom that makes you appear "academic". It's more about God granting you insight to see how He works in this world. I think the more time we spend reading, reflecting and praying, the more He opens our eyes to where and how is working to reconcile this world back to himself. The more encounters you have with Him, the more you can see where He is working and try to "walk in His ways".

    Moving on, if there is any doubt of what is required of us I would say it is cleared up in Deuteronomy 10:12-22. Moses does not mince words in his instructions to Israel. Moses is defined by passion, his heart is moved to action in all that he does. God calls us to love Him, serve Him, walk in His ways and fear Him. Jonathan Edwards wrote that "no one is ever changed, either by doctrine, by hearing the Word, or by the preaching or teaching of another, unless the affections are moved by these things." Moses specifically mentions orphans, widows and strangers. In our New Testament readings it is clear that Jesus taught many things but one thing is abundantly clear - He met people's needs. As we seek share the love of Christ I think it is important to remember the passion of Moses as a way to "spring to action" and that Christ came not to be be served but to serve by meeting the needs of others.
