Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 5 (Jan 26th - Feb. 1st)

We are starting to make some good progress in the One Year Bible. If you have fallen behind I challenge you to not be discouraged but look at it as an opportunity to motivate yourself and to discipline yourself as we continue to grow closer to our Heavenly Father. I am excited to hear how the Lord is working in each one of your lives this week. Make it a great day.

1 comment:

  1. A verse from 1/25 that has been on my heart for the past week is from Matthew 16:24-25; "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever LOSES HIS LIFE FOR ME will find it."

    As a college student trying to figure out what I'm going to do for the remainder of my life, it is easy to become consumed in worries such as money, elaborate belongings, a big house for my family. This verse in Matthew teaches us, however, that worrying about these things will not bring Christ closer to us, but instead will distance us from his plan for us.

    The speaker at Austin Stone on campus this past Wednesday spoke about how he was consumed in this chemical engr. job "in a dark corner" and knew that this was not the right interpretation of God's will. Instead, he left his dark corner job for one of discipleship, following God's command to lose his life for Him so that we may find ours.

    This helps remind me that all of the studying that I am doing, all of the planning, will be worthless in the end if I do not give my talents and gifts to God's purpose. If I do not let my successes bring forth the Glory of God, then there is no point. The verse goes on the ask, "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" It is important that I keep in mind the purpose of all that I am trying to do with my future, and make my goal to use my talents to spread God's word to others.

    Ask yourself if the things you are doing are among God's will! Greed and self-fullfillment will not last an eternity
