Monday, March 23, 2009

Week 12 & 13 (Mar. 16 - Mar. 29th)

Hey everybody. I hope you all are having a great week so far. I was a little behind on posting last week's post. I made it up by attaching last week's blog to this weeks. I hope you all are doing well and are getting ready for camp. Please feel free to blog about anything that is on your heart. We would love to hear from you all. Make it a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not exactly on track with the day to day schedule for the OYB, but i have been reading some old testament scriptures.

    I recently finished Judges and what i continued to notice as i read chapter after chapter was how the Israelites continually follow God for X ammount of years and then they grow tired and begin to turn from God. They begin to fill their lives with things they believe will satisfy, but the only thing that truly satisfies is their obedience to God. God also raises up new leaders as the book goes on so that leader will regain control and bring the Israelites back to right standing with God. There are chosen ones who are in right standing with God and things are good. When those leaders pass away their leadership falls and so do their followers.

    In a simple way i see this picture as a picture of us... We simply live our lives to serve God, but often times we turn away from him when things are tough. We are not persistent in our faith, rather we desire others to lead us. We find ourselves as the ones following instead of being the ones "CHOSEN" by God to fulfill his work in the places we live. I want to be like Samson, Gidean, Tola, Jair, those who led the Israelites and desired to grow their kingdoms.

    I don't know what hinders you, but complaceney is something i never want in my life. Jesus said the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Think about that in your life... Remember you are Chosen!

